Message from Principal

The Cambridge International As and A Level programme is a vibrant, dynamic programme. Students can choose from a wide range of subjects and the qualification is widely recognized and valued by Universities around the world.

Kaasthamandap A Level Academy aims to send out graduates who will be responsible global citizens for which we prepare students who are mature enough to make good judgment calls, have a strong understanding of their own interests and abilities and are capable of handling with discipline and courage the many challenges that they may face as life progresses. Through the A Level programme, we believe our students will be able to develop analytical and problem solving skills along with a deeper understanding of the social, political and environmental issues that our world is facing and are aware of the impact of climate change and pollution and our duty to save our planet. While becoming capable of competing with the best in the world, we hope they will also become passionate about developing their own country and preserving its culture and heritage.

We hope our efforts to inculcate the good values of tolerance, perseverance, dedication, and honesty will remain with our graduates and stand them in good stead throughout the ups and downs and the many challenges of life. I would like to reiterate our commitment to providing quality education in an academically stimulating and friendly environment. We are indeed proud as well as humbled by the achievements of our students, many of whom have joined prestigious Universities abroad. We look forward to continuing our journey towards academic excellence with our brilliant faculty and students!

Dr. Shiba Thapa
